Sites 'n' Sounds

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Lead Guitar, Vocals
Danny Reese- DECEASED 28Apr13

Danny Blankenship went on to a career in broadcasting, where he changed his name to Danny Reese.  He spent 20 plus years in the industry, with the majority of the time as a popular DJ in Baltimore.  After radio, Danny became a sales and public relations person.  In 2005 he moved to sunny Naples, Florida where he resides today.  Danny is still rockin’.  He currently is the lead singer for Redemption, one of the top classic rock bands in Southwest Florida.  He still manages to come back home a couple of times per year to perform with "The Sites ‘n’ Sounds" for various charitable events.

Bass Guitar
Randy Taylor

Randy Taylor became an officer with the Virginia State Police and later became a detective in Harford County, Maryland.  He has since retired and is living in Plymouth, North Carolina.  Randy also manages to travel back to his hometown to perform with "The Sites 'n' Sounds" for various charitable events.

Mike McFadden

Mike McFadden joined the Air Force in 1969.  He spent 4 yrs in the service during the Vietnam Era.  When he returned from servicing his country he worked for the Federal Governmnet as a computer technician.  He now lives in Harford County, Maryland, where he has retired from Federal Service with 41 years of service.  He currently serves as a Post Commander for an American Legion which he has for 13 years and enjoys his 4 grandchildren plus performing with his fellow band members of "The Sites 'n' Sounds".  He always looks forward to them coming to the so called RANCH and spending some great afternoons practicing for the Saturday night events.